나 어떡해 ☆샌드페블즈☆ 대학가요제 대상 ☆What Should I Do? 우쿨렐레 연주곡 ☆Ukulele Cover |


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제1회 대학가요제 대상 수상곡 “나 어떡해” 를 우쿨렐레로 연주해봤습니다. 학창시절 정말 많이 즐겼던 추억의 대학가요! 통기타 한 대만 있으면 어디서든 친구들과 어울려 즐겼던 기억이 있습니다. 소위 그룹사운드 노래를 우쿨렐레 독주로 표현하기엔 상당히 무리가 따르지만 젊은 시절에 워낙 좋아했던 곡이라서 한 번 시도를 해봤습니다.

This song was a great hit in Korea. It goes back to 1977 and there was Campus Song Festival organized by MBC TV. This song, ‘What Should I Do?” was performed by a band named “Sand Pebbles” from Seoul National University and the band won the Grand Prize of the Festival in 1977, which was the 1st event among this type of festivals. During those days, such band was called “Group Sound” in Korea. It’s challenging to play on the ukulele alone but I tried it as I’m a big fan of the Group Sound Sand Pebbles. Hope you enjoy the Korean song.