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인도네시아에서 제 초상화를 그려준 것에 대한 감사 영상입니다. 아울러 이 초상화를 구입하여 제게 기증하신 분 (왕게임짱 / 김대현 님) 에게도 진심으로 감사 드립니다
☆초상화가 Joy Liong 유튜브 채널: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTO7M5SoJTvuX8L1i_G24A
☆Alip Ba Ta 유튜브 채널: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcHGALtfZtBRU_lzMaBm9Wg
This is a shout-out to Alipers Indonesia, a community for supporting Alip Ba Ta who is a world-famous Indonesian fingerstyle guitar player. A portrait artist Mr. Joy Liong of the community drew a portrait of me and this has been finally forwarded to me through a Korean big fan named ‘WangGameJJang’ (or Kim Dae Hyun) who purchased it and donated it to me. This is to show you guys the portrait drawing and introduce the purchaser (donator) of the portrait. Thank you everyone. Cheers!
☆Joy Liong(Portrait Airtist)’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTO7M5SoJTvuX8L1i_G24A
☆Alip Ba Ta’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcHGALtfZtBRU_lzMaBm9Wg
#AlipersIndonesia #AlipBaTa #PortraitDrawing