Kingfisher and the Blind Man/Music/Michael Aitchison/Tony Lever Lead Guitar/Keyboards/Bass Guitar | Michael A Aitchison


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Kingfisher and the Blind Man/Music/Michael Aitchison/Tony Lever Lead Guitar/Keyboards/Bass Guitar Les Paul Gibson Goldtop/ Bass G & L Legacy 2000
Michael Aitchison Songs All rights reserved March 76 & 2.03.2021
Song about a guy who meets a Blind Man on the Riverbank…and he watches the Kingfisher Bird dive into the river catching fish..he sees the Blind man under a willow tree..and talks to him..and describes the Kingfisher colours and all the colours of things ,surrounding them…They become great friends and the Blind Man sees the Sunset and the Blue and Gold Kingfisher colours…in his mind through his new friend’s ….descriptive words ……