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Need your love so bad / Peter Green / Tribute Cover / Michael Aitchison
Song for the Greatest Blues Guitarist..from England in the sixties ..I have always admired./.loved/ Peter / the whole of my life…he had the awesome job…. of taking over /lead guitar/from Eric Clapton..in the John Mayall …Bluesbreakers.. Band..
I cannot play guitar like Peter ..and ….I know many of the other great guitarists after him…. and in his era ….who ..were so inspired by his talents…. cannot…I. admired Peter..Green the same way they all did….
I have always admired.. and loved Peter’s music…. all my life. …from the very first time ..I heard Fleetwood Mac…Peter should be knighted..for his contribution to music…in the UK… and in the world…….he was a gifted artist with an unassailable talent… on this Earth…..Guitar skills….songwriting..and his Blues voice cannot be equalled….Peter was simply a Beautiful person & man, and second to none.!!!!!!. Many .. or even all of his contemporaries..BB KIng… Jimmy Page ..will agree..!!. BB King…the great BB King once said…he is the only one to make me sweat..!! .with his soft touch….I only wish I could play like Peter…I wish he had not had those sad times in his life.. He was and should have been as famous..as all the other great guitarists…but he never wanted all that adulation…a beautiful human being…who brought created/composed./played the most wonderful music ever….into this world…inspired so many guitarists….God bless you Peter…always.. keep on playing in heaven with Danny….BB…Otis. Rush..and Otis Spann…Stevie Ray V….Albert…Freddie…and Robert Johnson..and… all those other great Blues guys you admired who influenced and inspired the way you played. guitar.. less is more…..Hank Marvin..was another…….We all miss you…and we will play your songs forever…I pray…one day you will be called Sir..Peter Green.. It is a long overdue knighthood…that you deserve great man… !!!!!. God bless you Peter …!! One of England’s finest …..ever…..!!! michael …