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The long awaited reaction to Humanity Chapter III is here! Let’s dive into this beautiful album and see what Thomas has in store for us.
Check out the full unedited reaction here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10sAMJwZ5mjfSSAcYr3RwcusBFNDaxAaC/view?usp=sharing
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These are resources I recommend for improving your compositions and earning a side income. As they are affiliate links, if you decide to invest in any of these products, I’ll receive a small commission, which is the perfect way to support this channel. Thanks so much!
► Looking to start, build, and scale your online business? Check out Kajabi for free and get an extended 30-day free trial! https://www.christophersiu.com/kajabi
► How to mix orchestral music: https://cutt.ly/ZyMFqv0
► Improve your scores and notation: https://cutt.ly/1QcxMqw
► Create better trailer music today! https://cutt.ly/obfNjVN
For business inquiries, contact me @ www.christophersiu.com
#humanitychapterIII #thomasbergersen #twostepsfromhell