Pulcra es amica mea – Northern lights – Ola Gj – Daniela Mars | Daniela Mars


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This is piece is written by Ola Gjeilo – I STRONGLY recommend you listen to Voces8 and Sjaella version of it… they are out of this world.

The text (even though I’m not singing) comes from Song of Solomon:

Pulchra es amica mea,
suavis et decora filia Jerusalem,
Pulchra es amica mea,
suavis et decora sicut Jerusalem,
terribilis ut castrorum acies ordinata.
Averte occulos tuos a me
quia ipsi me avolare fecerunt.

Thou art beautiful, O my love,
sweet and beautiful daughter of Jerusalem,
Thou art beautiful, O my love,
sweet and comely as Jerusalem,
terrible as an army set in array.
Turn away thy eyes from me,
for they have made me flee away.

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