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It’s been quite silent here in Studio Tupos. All kinds of yard work has taken up free time, so time up. Maybe this is changing now? But today was my first Korg Z3 guitar synth and A2 fx-processor appearance in YT. Bought this duo last month and today was time to made new music video with these and other gear including Yamaha RX21 digital drums, Boss RC-505 looper and Korg microKONTROL midi keys. Zoom Q4n video recorder was used.
Z3 all synth sounds, midicontrolled by microKONTROL.
A2 master fx.
RC-505 looping, midi master clock and EQ.
RX21 digital drums, midi sync from RC-505.
Composed, played, arranged and improvised by me in Studio Tupos 12.6.2020.
Studio Tupoksella ollut hiljaisempaa. Kaikenlaiset ulkotyöt ovat ajaneet musailun ohi, mutta nyt alkaa jo hieman helpottaa: ) Hommasin jo 80-luvun lopulta tutun Korg Z3 kitarasyntikan ja sille kaveriksi saman firman A2 efektilootan. Näillä kahdella tehtiin kaikki synasoundit midiohjauksella, koska a) Z3:n kitaranohjausyksikkö on vajaa ja b) en ole kitaristi; )
RX21 rumpaloi ja microKONTROL toimi midikiipparina.